If you have attempted weight loss surgery in the past but were unsuccessful, you are not alone. Numerous reasons may explain why your previous weight loss experience did not manifest the results you were hoping for, including complications, discomfort, or poor results, or even poor teaching or follow up with regard to your past procedure. If this is the case, don't be frustrated or ashamed, we are here to help and guide you and revision surgery may be necessary. If you are looking for weight loss surgery revisions in the here on the MS Gulf Coast region or don't mind traveling from upstate MS, the states of LA and AL, or elsewhere, Dr. Donald Balder is here to help! It may be that better teaching, newer medications or even hormone treatment can restart your success. At Mississippi Institute of Weight Loss & Gulf Coast Aesthetics, we want your weight loss journey to be successful. Schedule a consultation today to discuss weight loss surgery revision so we can help get you headed back in the right direction. We offer telemedicine health consultations & visits for patients visits who live far away and even close by when they cannot make it to the office.
If you have undergone weight loss surgery in the past and have not been successful in achieving your weight loss goals - your ideal body weight or you are experiencing pain, discomfort, chronic heartburn, or other uncomfortable symptoms, you may be an ideal candidate for revision surgery. The type of revision surgery you require will be determined during your during consultation, work up and subsequent visits. Ultimately, there are often surgical or medical choices which you personally can choose from after workup to optimize your care. All surgical revisions carry increased risks from your primary operation. Depending on the kind of revision, your results and recovery may vary. Dr. Balder will provide instructions and aftercare details for your recovery before the revision procedure. For more detailed information, contact Mississippi Institute of Weight Loss & Gulf Coast Aesthetics.