

Dec 13, 2023


A gastric sleeve procedure (also called a vertical sleeve gastrectomy or VSG), has become popular among people who want to lose weight and keep it off. This advanced surgery involves reducing stomach size by about 80%, which results in a smaller appetite and less food intake. But what is recovery like after undergoing a VSG, and what can patients in the Gulf Coast of Mississippi and Alabama expect during this time?

At the Mississippi Institute of Weight Loss & Gulf Coast Aesthetics, we understand that surgical procedures can be daunting, and recovery is an important part of the process. In this guide, we provide information about what to expect after gastric sleeve surgery and offer tips for a smooth recovery. Call now to meet with Dr. Donald Balder to take the first step toward transforming your life.

How does gastric sleeve surgery help with weight loss?

Before diving into post-op recovery, you should know how a gastric sleeve works and why it can be beneficial for obese individuals. During the procedure, a part of the stomach is removed, leaving a smaller "sleeve" shaped stomach behind. This changes the hormonal signals between the stomach and brain, reducing feelings of hunger and increasing feelings of fullness. As a result, patients find it easier to control their food intake and lose weight.

How is the surgery performed?

Gastric sleeve surgery is performed once the patient is placed under anesthesia. Dr. Balder will make several incisions in the upper abdomen before inserting the surgical instruments. A small camera is used to provide a visual of the stomach and guide the procedure.

Dr. Balder carefully cuts and seals any blood vessels attached to the portion of the stomach being removed. The remaining stomach is then stapled closed, creating a smaller, sleeve-shaped stomach. Once VSG is complete, patients are taken to a recovery area for monitoring.

What to expect during recovery

Gastric sleeve patients will stay in the hospital for one or more nights for monitoring and pain management. During this time, you may feel discomfort or soreness in the abdominal area. Medication will be provided to alleviate discomfort.

Patients in the Gulf Coast of Mississippi and Alabama will also receive instructions on how to care for their incisions and what to eat during the initial recovery period. Follow these instructions carefully to ensure healing and prevent any complications. A liquid-only diet is typically recommended at first, followed by a slow, gradual transition to solid foods.

How long does it take to heal?

Recovery time from gastric sleeve surgery varies and can be influenced by several factors, such as overall health, age, and adherence to post-operative instructions. Generally, patients are able to return to work one month after VSG. Remember to attend all follow-up appointments with Dr. Balder to monitor your progress. We also recommend incorporating light exercise into your daily routine to promote healing and maintain weight loss.

Learn more about VSG recovery with Dr. Balder

At the Mississippi Institute of Weight Loss & Gulf Coast Aesthetics, we're committed to helping patients achieve their goals and maintain a healthy lifestyle long-term. With proper care and guidance from Dr. Donald Balder, you can have an excellent recovery after gastric sleeve surgery. Contact us and take the first step toward a happier, healthier you. Your weight loss journey in the Gulf Coast of Mississippi and Alabama starts now.